
Fundraising Made Easy

Fundraising Made Simple for Your School, Childcare, or Recreational Organization!

Fundraising has never been easier or more effective! With our streamlined process, you can raise funds for your organization all year round. Here’s how it works:

    1. Get Your Unique Code: We’ll provide you with a special code assigned just to your organization. This code is key to tracking and ensuring your group gets the credit for every purchase made.

    2. Customize Your Flyer: We’ll send you a digital welcome pack with all you need to run the fundraiser. Distribute the flyer by sending it home with the kids or email it directly to parents. For maximum impact, we recommend doing both!

    3. Parents Place Orders: Parents can place their orders directly on our website using the code provided. For every product ordered, your organization will receive a 20% commission.

    4. Run Your Fundraiser All Year Round: Enjoy the flexibility of running your fundraiser throughout the entire year! Whether you want to kick off a campaign for a specific event or keep it going as a year-long initiative, our system makes it easy to continue raising funds whenever it suits your organization’s needs.

    5. Receive Your Funds: Each month, we’ll send you a check if your organization has raised $100 or more. Don’t worry if you haven’t reached the $100 mark; you can request your fundraising profits anytime.

    6. Need More Info? Check out our FAQs for answers to any questions you might have.

Ready to get started? Register today and Transform Art into Opportunity with My Artwork Plate!